Signing up for a neighborhood team is easy. Simply sign up, and we’ll get a Battleground Texas neighborhood team leader in touch with you.
The November election is critical to Texas public schools and the educators, support staff and students who work and learn on our campuses and in our classrooms. TSTA is supporting Wendy Davis for Governor and Leticia Van de Putte for Lt. Governor because they have a proven record of fighting for us in the Texas Senate. And, their records are far superior to their opponents, who have supported devastating school funding cuts, vouchers and privatization.
Many TSTA members have asked us how they can get involved in the effort to elect our endorsed “education candidates.” Battleground Texas is organizing neighborhood teams to get the message out in every Texas community, neighbor to neighbor. With two candidates who are stressing the importance of education in their campaigns, TSTA members can play an important role by volunteering whatever time you have to be part of a neighborhood team in your community.
For TSTA, this is about more than just this fall's election. By volunteering for a neighborhood team, you get practical community organizing experience and build relationships in your community that will help local TSTA efforts when we are working to elect school board candidates who will work with us.