3. WEAR the PfEA Shirt.
It's that easy. Wear it at our meetings or a local community event as a conversation starter. Be proud to be a union member. Be proud to be PfEA/TSTA/NEA.
4. Attend a Meeting
Look below and find the next local meeting to attend.
We Make A Difference In Public Education!
1. Patricipate in A Public Action
Get involved in your union and participate in public actions. Only through active participation will we be able to elevate and change public education reform.
United WE Stand for Public Education!
2. Spread the Word
Follow PfEA on social media and keep up with current events taking place at the local, region, state and national level.
We have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Join us today!
5. Recruit a co-worker
Tell your friends and family about the threats in public education. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself and knowing your rights. Join now and make an impact!
Email Mary Kennedy at for a PfEA enrollment form or join us online at